Bob Ballou is putting together a group to attend AOPA’s Regional Fly In. If you’re interested in joining the crew, please reach out to him! Remember, contact information is available in AircraftClubs. See his recent announcement:
Greetings fellow club members,
AOPA is conducting a regional fly in on 14-15 September in Santa Fe NM. Aside from possible adverse weather this is a nice cross country flight that can be done without a refueling stop (350 nm plus or minus depending on route). So, at our annual meeting I asked if anyone was interested in going and it was suggested I put out this global message. With the thought in mind that perhaps, if there is enough interest, we could pool resources and share the ride. Considering room availability (or maybe camping?) the time to plan is now.
If there is any interest please let me know. I’m not big on planning but I will put together a list of those interested and share with those interested.
Keep the sunny side up,
Bob Ballou