2024 Annual Members’ Meeting: KCHD, 24 Feb 2024

Our next annual meeting is scheduled for the morning of Saturday, 24 February 2024 at the Chandler Airport terminal building. We’ll cater in coffee (and water) starting at 9:00 am. The meeting will run from 9:30 am to 12 pm.

Note: This meeting was previously scheduled for 27 January and has been rescheduled!

We’ll be discussing strategic matters not regularly covered in monthly meetings:

  • Refreshers on how to take care of the aircraft.
  • See broken stuff! Show and Tell.
  • Club volunteers.
  • Other specifics TBA.

Board Elections

We also have two officers up for election at the annual meeting. Active club members elect officers to the Board for 2 year terms, and the Board subsequently allocates themselves to the positions. Any club member may run for board membership.

These board members are up for re-election:

  • Jason B.
  • J.C. J.
  • Paal F.

The other board members have another year left in their terms.


Please RSVP for the event here.

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